utorok 1. septembra 2009

Toy Dolls: 1993 - Absurd-Ditties (12'')


1 Absurd-ditties (0:44)
2 I'm A Telly Addict! (2:48)
3 "Terry Talking" (2:35)
4 Ernie Had A Hernia (3:17)
5 Toccata in Dm (2:37)
6 My Wife's A Psychopath! (2:52)
7 Sod The Neighbours (2:27)
8 Melancholy Margaret (2:24)
9 Drooling Banjos (3:53)
10 Alecs Gone (2:59)
11 When You're Jimmy Saville (3:08)
12 Caught Up The Reeperbahn! (3:19)
13 Dez The Demon Decorator (2:57)
14 Absurd-ditties (0:47)

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